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Support of Educational Activities

Scientific and career skills sessions

Companies and institutes are invited to sponsor parts of the scientific programme. Your support will be acknowledged as follows:

  • Publicity on the website
  • Programme listing in the final programme
  • Your logo displayed on a welcome slide in the lecture room
  • Option to set up a banner within the lecture room
  • Lunches: discreet branding opportunities (table place cards, napkins etc.)

Keynote & Plenary Lectures
‣‣ Prices and further details available upon request

Concurrent Sessions
‣‣ Prices and further details available upon request

Special-interest Symposia
Organized independently by researchers and approved by the conference organizers.
‣‣ Prices and further details available upon request

Meet The Speaker Lunch
This is a convivial lunch where participants meet the keynote and plenary speakers of each day for an informal discussion.
‣‣ from Prices and further details available upon request

Expanding Career Options Session
Professionals, who are scientists by training, help young researchers gain an awareness of non-academic scientific careers and help them assess future employment opportunities.
‣‣ Prices and further details available upon request

Mentoring session – Pursuing an academic career
Speakers from the programme join discussions in this popular mentoring session. Divided into ten tables, participants and speakers discuss topics relevant to pursuing an academic career.
‣‣ Prices and further details available upon request

Travel Grants

A number of travel grants will be offered to Masters and PhD students from countries with a less developed research infrastructure. Applicants must have an accepted abstract for poster presentation. Each travel grant is a €500 contribution towards travel and registration costs to attend the meeting. You may select from the abstract categories to match a participant's research field with your company's business interest.

  • Recognition as travel grant sponsor on website and on poster board
  • Sponsor will be introduced to the grantee by e-mail

‣‣ €500 per travel grant (minimum three per company)

Life Science Careers — Job Market

Participants, EMBO Members, EMBO Young Investigators and industry partners have the opportunity to post announcements for vacant positions on dedicated poster boards in the exhibition. Sponsorship of the job market offers visibility to both senior scientists recruiting for their labs as well as scientists actively seeking appointments.

  • Sponsor logo on each Job Market poster board
  • Option to set up a banner within the Job Market poster area

‣‣ Prices and further details available upon request

Download a PDF document with the exhibition and sponsorship opportunities.

Please download the order form.
