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Special session on Research Integrity

Science Policy Session 1

Sunday, 6 September, 13:15 - 14:15 Hall 9

In Europe, the requirements for researchers to obtain training in research integrity are rapidly evolving. This session will give an introduction to concepts in responsible conduct and reporting of research and will illustrate the value of the knowledge and use of the principles of responsible conduct both for science and society. The wide variety of ways in which training in research integrity can be accomplished will be illustrated.
The session is aimed at scientists who would like to discuss how to introduce their staff to good scientific practice. As well, this will be a good overview for young researchers who might be required to take research integrity training as part of grant or institutional requirements. This will be an interactive session with ample time for questions and discussion. 
The session will include an introduction by staff from the EMBO Science Policy Programme, and a presentation by Elizabeth Wager, an expert in medical writing, peer review and publication ethics with international experience of training doctors, students and science writers. Abstract and biography to follow.



Publication consultant, Sideview, Princes Risborough and Visiting Professor, University of Split School of Medicine, HR

Why research integrity isn’t just ‘somebody else’s problem’

Researchers require many skills and personal qualities, some of which fall under the heading of ‘research integrity’. While most scientists don’t set out to be dishonest, a good understanding of responsible research and publication practices is important as some of the conventions aren’t obvious and it is possible to commit some forms of misconduct inadvertently. Supervisors and mentors also need to think about their responsibility for creating a positive working environment that encourages good practice. Senior scientists and institution leaders need to consider how cases of suspected misconduct should be handled. I will give an overview of relevant guidelines and organizations and present evidence about whether training in responsible research conduct is effective.


Elizabeth (Liz) Wager, PhD is a freelance publications consultant and trainer who has worked with doctors,  editors, and publication professionals on six continents. She chaired the Committee on Publication Ethics (2009-2012) and is a member of the Ethics Committees of the BMJ and the World Association of Medical Editors. She has written various COPE guidelines, Good Publication Practice for Pharmaceutical Companies (2003), EMWA guidelines on the role of medical writers (2005), Wiley-Blackwell Guidelines on Publication Ethics (2006) and books on ‘Getting Research Published: An A to Z of Publication Strategy’ (2nd edition 2010) and ‘How to Survive Peer Review’ (2002).