EMBO travel grants were available until 10 June 2015.
- Available to PhD students and postdoctoral researchers of ANY nationality with less than 10 years postdoctoral experience.
- Applicants must have submitted an abstract by 10 June 14:00 CEST and be first author on the submitted abstract.
- Applicants must have indicated at abstract submission that they wished to be considered for a travel grant.
- The selection of travel grant winners was based on quality of the submitted abstract and was undertaken by the abstract selection committee.
- Travel grant winners MUST register for the conference.
- Winners will be reimbursed the conference registration fee and receive a travel stipend of €250 for participants who work/ study in the UK (excluding the West Midlands**); €350 for participants who work/ study in Europe; €500 for participants who work/ study outside of Europe AFTER attending the conference. Winners who work/ study in the West Midlands** area will ONLY be reimbursed the conference registration fee also AFTER attending the conference.
- Reimbursement is only possible upon receipt of a completed reimbursement form and with the appropriate receipts (flights, train, coach, hotels etc). Food and beverages cannot be reimbursed. Forms must be returned by 30 October 2015.
** For The EMBO Meeting 2015 travel grant purposes, the West Midlands includes the City of Birmingham, the City of Coventry, and the City of Wolverhampton, Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull and Walsall plus Staffordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire.
Other travel grants:
One travel grant of € 500 will be awarded by the Belgian Society for Cell and Developmental Biology (BSCDB) to a young BSCDB member (pre-doctoral or junior post-doc). The application form and instructions are available on the BSCDB website under the section “Grants, Awards & Membership”. The application deadline was 31 May.
India Alliance has announced travel awards for attending The EMBO Meeting. These awards are available to PhD students, Postdocs and Young Investigators to cover travel expenses. To qualify for the travel award, an applicant must be an Indian national based in India or Europe and he /she must be the first author on the abstract. The application deadline for the travel award is 15 July 2015. To apply, click here.
More travel grants will be announced shortly.