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Pursuing an academic career

Monday 7th September, 13:30 -14:45 Hall 11A

The EMBO Meeting speaker faculty will facilitate discussion, answer questions and recommend appropriate resources on a variety of topics related to careers in academia. 

Please note all spaces at the Pursuing an academic career session are fully booked.

Up to ten participants and two facilitatorswill be seated for round table discussions per topic:

1a. After your PhD - what comes next in academia? The choice between a postdoc in your home country or abroad, Europe, the USA or elsewhere? for PhD students  (fully booked)
Facilitators: Renata Basto & Yohanns Bellaiche
1b. as above (fully booked)
Facilitators: Daniel W. Gerlich & Philippe Bousso

2a. Planning your career – obtaining an appropriate postdoc positions : should I change field / country? What should I take into account for when visiting a lab / speaking with a potential supervisor?  for PhD students (fully booked)
Facilitators: Claudine Kraft & Jiri Lukas
2b. as above (fully booked)
Facilitators: Chantal Abergel & Rickard Sandberg

3. Starting your own lab: where and how (i.e. tenured positions, fellowships, grants) and other issues - for senior postdocs  (fully booked)
Facilitators: Sarah A. Teichmann & Barry Thompson

4. Job application strategies for academic positions: applying for independent positions - first as a junior independent investigator and then at higher (assistant professor) level - for postdocs (fully booked)
Facilitators:  Irmgard Sinning & Ewan Birney

5. Publishing: How important is it for your career? When is your story ready to be published? Which journal to try? Who should be involved in writing the paper, and who should be co-authors? How to reply to editors and reviewers - for senior postdocs and junior PIs (fully booked)
Facilitators: Michael Sixt & Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz

6. Writing your first grant. Grant opportunities for young scientists within Europe - for senior postdocs and junior PIs  (fully booked)
Facilitators:  Daniel St Johnston & Asifa Akhtar

7. Defining and refining research directions for your project and your group - for junior PIs  (fully booked)
Facilitators: Margaret S. Robinson & Dirk Schübeler

8. Raising a family while pursuing a career in research - for all  (fully booked)
Facilitators: Johanna Ivaska & Cory Dunn