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Birmingham welcomes The EMBO Meeting

Heidelberg, 29 July 2015 – The sixth edition of The EMBO Meeting will be held in Birmingham in the United Kingdom on 5–8 September 2015. The EMBO Meeting brings together an outstanding lineup of speakers in one of the largest annual events for the life science community in Europe. It is the perfect opportunity to hear about the latest science from researchers in different scientific disciplines and from speakers from many countries around the world.

The EMBO Meeting 2015 will take place at The ICC in Birmingham, one of the largest metropolitan cities in the United Kingdom. 60 talks from scientists in 20 concurrent sessions will provide an in-depth snapshot of almost all areas of the life sciences. The concurrent sessions are accompanied by keynote lectures, plenary sessions, and career day opportunities presented by some of the leading scientists in the world.

To view the full programme visit:

Speakers will include:

  • Joan Steitz of Yale University School of Medicine and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute who will give an opening lecture on the molecular events involved in the formation of messenger RNA
  • Peter Walter of the University of California, San Francisco, who will give a keynote lecture on therapeutic interventions to improve memory
  • Emmanuelle Charpentier of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research and the Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine, and Rudolf Zechner of the Institute of Molecular Biosciences, University of Graz, will deliver the Louis-Jeantet 2015 Prize Lectures
  • Plenary session speakers include Susan Gasser of the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, David Holden of Imperial College, London, and Fiona Watt of King’s College, London 

The conference also features topics at the intersection of science and society. Matt Taylor of the European Space Agency will talk about the Rosetta Mission, the Philae lander and what comes next for future missions in space. Anna Wahl from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, will take a close look at different perspectives on gender from academic organizations. The EMBO Meeting will also include a special session on research integrity as well as a discussion that focuses on research in India.

Online press registration for journalists is available at The Abstract eBook will be emailed to registered participants and journalists two weeks before the conference starts. Interview opportunities can be arranged prior to the conference or on site, beginning on Saturday evening after the opening address.


News from the speakers

RT, 15 June 2015
"Philae Lander probe may give glimpse of solar system’s origins – Rosetta scientist"

Science Daily, 19 May 2015
"Body's 'serial killers' captured on film destroying cancer cells"

The New Economy, 16 April 2015
"Scientists battle for gene-editing patent"

Science, 26 February 2015
"Human-specific gene ARHGAP11B promotes basal progenitor amplification and neocortex expansion"

Nature, 19 February 2015
"Transcription factor binding dynamics during human ES cell differentiation"

BBC News, 23 January 2015
"New microscopic imaging facility at Dundee University"

The Guardian, 10 November 2014
"Pioneering scientists share £23m Breakthrough Prize pot at US awards"