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Sponsor, Exhibit & Advertise

EMBO welcomes exhibitors and sponsors for this annual European life sciences conference. In total, we expect more than 1,000 participants at the event. We are pleased to provide you with opportunities to demonstrate your role in the life science community. We accept commitments on a first-come, first-served basis and acknowledge these in advance publications where possible. The earlier you submit your order forms, the more visibility you receive. All exhibition and sponsorship opportunities include publicity on the website with logo and acknowledgment in the Final Programme Book.

See our corporate partners & sponsors and exhibitors from The EMBO Meeting 2013 to see which companies support us.

How to Book

  1. Please download the order forms for exhibition space and sponsorship.
  2. Please fax your application as soon as possible, as demand for exhibition space will be high. Signed Order forms can also be scanned and sent via email. Bookings cannot be made by telephone.
  3. On acceptance of your order form, we will issue an invoice for the total amount.
  4. Please secure your booking by paying an immediate 50% deposit.
  5. Please pay the remaining 50% by 1 June 2015. If you fail to balance any invoice in due time, we may release confirmed exhibition booth spaces without prior notification.
  6. Additional items for the booths can be ordered online nearer the time.

For details please consult the General Terms and Conditions of the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Lebenswissenschaften Heidelberg GmbH, which is the legal entity of The EMBO Meeting. These can be found on the order form document.