ExhibitionSponsorshipAdvertising & Promotional OpportunitiesSupport of Educational Activities
Corporate Partners
Satellite Symposia
Timeslots: during lunch breaks on Sunday and Monday. We will endeavour to ensure there are no conflicts with other sessions, but this cannot be guaranteed. Contact embo-sponsoring@mci-group.com for the full details.
Room: approx. 200 seats, standard technical equipment included.
Deadline for submission of full details on the planned symposium: 30 June 2015
‣‣ 15 minutes - €1,475
‣‣ 30 minutes - €1,950
‣‣ 90 minutes - €4,280
Catering available — please request information on menu selection, prices and ordering.
Registration to Satellite Symposia - all participants, including speakers and sponsor staff, must be registered as regular participants for The EMBO Meeting. Companies hosting their own symposium will receive a maximum of three day tickets for speakers or staff free of charge. You can order additional day tickets at a discounted rate of € 140.
Social Event
Welcome Reception - Saturday 5 September 2015
Be the exclusive sponsor of this highly popular and well-attended event to be held in the exhibition hall in the ICC.
‣‣ €3,500
Poster Sessions
Draw attention to your company by sponsoring one of the incredibly busy poster sessions. Your contribution will provide participants with a selection of local specialities and cold drinks during one of the poster sessions on either Sunday, Monday or Tuesday.
Exhibitors can support the catering with their financial contribution. As a contributor you will get the following benefits:
‣‣ costs to follow (non-exclusive)
See the confirmed sponsors for The EMBO Meeting 2013 and at FEBS EMBO 2014 Anniversary Conference.